Committees in IIIT Kota

Committee NameCommittee MembersPurpose
Institute Purchase CommitteeDr. Gyan Singh Yadav, Convener
Dr. Amit Kumar, Member
Dr. Ashok Kherodia, Member
Assistant Registrar, Member
To facilitate and supervise general purchase in the institute. To suggest purchase procedure to be followed in the institute. To facilitate use of ERP systems in purchase of related affairs.
SportsDr. Anand Agrawal, Convener
Dr. Gyan Singh Yadav, Member
Dr. Chetna Sharma, Member
To frame and implement the policy and rules for sports activities. To make the sports calendar for the complete academic year. To coordinate with other technical institutions of the region. To keep all the sports facilities well maintained. To promote sports in students, staff and faculty. To organize competitions and events related to outdoor/indoor games. To plan maintenance and new facilities of outdoor/indoor games.
ScholarshipsDr. Amit Kumar, ConvenerTo devise mechanism to increase the number of scholarships from external funding agencies. To coordinate between the PG coordinator of the departments on the issue of UG/PG Scholarships. To coordinate between the State/Central Government on the issue of scholarships. To create and announce scholarships for needy students. To coordinate along with Coordinator alumni for collection of funds for scholarships. To institutionalize and maintain existing scholarships from various industries.
Training and PlacementDr. Amit Kr Garg, Faculty In-chargeTo facilitate placement of students within and outside India. To coordinate and organize practical training of students. To take necessary measures to establish linkages with industry. To organize career counselling sessions/programs. To initiate dialogue with industry for collaborative projects/ research.
Time Table and ExaminationDr. Ashok Kr Kherodia, Convener
Dr. Amit Kumar Garg, Member
Dr. Ajay Nehra, Member
Dr. Saurabh Pandey, Member
To prepare institute timetable and conduct examinations at all levels.
Creative Arts and Cultural SocitiesDr. Vinita Tiwari, Convener
Dr. Chetna Sharma, Member
Dr. Prerna Vanjani, Member
AR (A/c), Member
To plan and conduct cultural related activities within the framework of academic calendar. To coordinate with other NITs and other technical institution for participation in cultural activities. To coordinate the SPICMACAY programs and other performances. To encourage students participation in Creative Arts and Cultural Activities.
Anti-Ragging SquadDr. Parikshit K Singh, Convener
Dr. Amit Kumar Garg, Member
Dr. Priyanka Mishra, Member
To observe the students movements and any type of teasing or ragging before starting of the class work, during the lunch hour, after closing the class work and during the night hours. If any type of ragging is noticed, the Members will advise the students and will bring into the notice of the Head of the Institution.
LibraryDr.Prikshit K. Singh, Convener
Dr. Isha Pathak Tripathi, Member
Dr. Gyan Singh Yadav, Member
To plan and advise on modernization of Institute library including development of E-Library/Digital Library. To suggest measures to enhance the quality of resources materials in the library and create a better academic ambiance in the library. To discriminate information on available sources and organize programs on the use of education technology development, educational aids and use other learning resource materials. Facilitate purchase of books, journals and magazines in consultation with HODs and library committees.
WebsiteDr. Ajay Nehra, Convener
Mr. Tej Singh Jatav, Member
To maintain and update the all the events and news related to IIIT Kota. Provide the all institute related information.
Information and Annual ReportDr. Chetna Sharma, Convener
Dr. Ashok Kr Kherodia, Member
Dr. Prerna Vanjani, Member
To coordinate the activities related with preparation and printing of annual report and to ensure its submission to MHRD well in time.
Departmental Under Graduate Committee (DUGC)Dr. Gyan Singh Yadav, Convener (CSE)
Dr. Vinita Tiwari, Convener (ECE)
Various Programme Advisors, Members
Students Nominee, Members
To frame and implement the policy for smooth conduction of UG programmes. Prepare academic calendar for each academic session and implement it. To frame rules for supplementary examinations and conduct exams.
Departmental Post Graduate Committee (DPGC)Dr. Priyanka Mishra, Convener (CSE)
Dr. Parikshit K Singh, Convener (ECE)
Various Programme Advisors, Members
Students Nominee, Members
To frame and implement the policy for smooth conduction of PG programmes. Prepare academic calendar for each academic session and implement it. To frame rules for supplementary examinations and conduct exams.
Alumni AffairsDr. Isha Pathak Tripathi, Convener
Dr. Ashok Kr Kherodia, Member
AR (Academics), Member
To broden the width and breadth of the scope of working with Alumni of the institute. To plan for establishment of additional Alumni Chapter in India and abroad. TO plan Alumni meets within the country and abroad. To interact with Alumni for seeking, suggestion and support for institutions development, scholarships, finacial support in the brand building exercise of the institute. To ineract and coordinate activities for associate activities for associate member of alumni association.
Faculty and Staff ClubDr. Gyan Singh Yadav, Convener
Dr. Anand Agrawal, Member
AR (A/c), Member
To coordinate between institute and the faculty/staff club activities. To organize picnic and other cultural activities of Faculty and staff club. To provide feed-back from the colony residents to improve the quality of facilities in the colony.
Social Media CellDr. Ajay Nehra, Convener
Mr. Banne Singh Bhati, Member
To maintain and update all the official social media accounts.
Disciplinary CommitteeDr. Parikshit K Singh, Convener
DPGC/DUGC Conveners, Member
Various Programme Advisors, Member
Various Wardens, Member
To ensure compliance of The Honour Code of IIIT Kota. To decide on the matters related to the violation of The Honour Code and suggest suitable action
Student Counselling CellDr. Amit Kumar Garg, Convener
Dr. Ashok Kr Kherodia, Member
Dr. Chetna Sharma, Member
To appoint Faculty Mentors to the newly joined students. To organize counselling sessions for students in coordination with Faculty Mentors. To facilitate services of Professional Counsellor on recommendation of the Faculty Mentors.
National Academic Depository CellDr. Isha Pathak Tripathi, Nodal Officer
Dr. Amit Garg, Member
Shri Tej Singh Jatav, Member
To maintain and upload academic records such as marksheets, degrees, etc. of students of IIIT Kota on NAD portal.
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