Examination and Evaluation

Credit System

Education at the institute is organized around the credit system of study. The prominent features of a credit system are the process of continuous evaluation of a students’ performance, and a flexibility to allow a student to progress at an optimum pace. Each course has a certain number of credits, which describes its weightage. A student's performance is measured in terms of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) which is calculated in terms of the number of credits that he/she has completed satisfactorily. A minimum credit should be earned in order to qualify for semester promotion. In order to qualify for the degree, number of credits to be earned for each programme is specified in ‘Ordinance for Undergraduate (B,Tech.) Programmes’ of IIIT Kota, March 2019. Every course is coordinated by a member of the teaching staff of the department, which offers the course in a given semester. This faculty member is called the Course Coordinator. He/she has full responsibility for conducting the course, coordinating the work of the other members of the faculty involved in that course and for holding tests and assignments and awarding grades. For any difficulty, a student is expected to approach the Course Coordinator for advice and clarification.

Grading System

The Grading system is followed as per the Table below.
Academic PerformanceGradesGrade Points
Very GoodBB8
Below AverageCD5
Failed due to Poor Performance FP--
Failed due to Attendance ShortageFA--