
Dr. Isha Pathak Tripathi

[email protected]
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kota
Office Address
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kota
SPL-269, RIICO Industrial Area, Kuber Extension, Ranpur,
Kota – 325003, (Rajasthan, India)
  • Ph.D (JNU New Delhi)
  • M.Tech (Banasthali Vidyapith Jaipur)
  • B.Tech (University of Rajasthan)
Teaching & Research Experience
  • IIIT Kota - Assistant Professor (May 2019 - till now)
  • Previous experience: 4+ years
Research Interests
  • Network Virtualization
  • Computer Networks
  • Mobile Computing
Roles and Responsibilities
  • Convener: Information and Annual Report (2018-19)
  • Associate Dean, Research and Consultancy
  • Nodal Officer, NAD
  • Convener, Alumni Affairs (2019 - 2020)
  • DUGC Convener, CSE
  • Program Coordinator, AIDE
  • Member, Library Committee
  • Program Advisor, B.Tech. Final Year CSE
Funded Projects
  1.  Design and development of IoMT based anthropomorphic robotic glove for stress detection and aiding hand disabled people
    • Role: PI
    • Amount: Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)
    • Funded By: Ongoing
    • Status:

Other Notable Information
  • Established Technical and Coding Club in IIIT Kota with UG students from 2018 to 2020
  1. Atul Tripathi, Isha Pathak and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi,A Study on Transfer Functions of Binary Particle Swarm Optimization for Energy-Efficient VM Placement International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research / 2022
  2. Atul Tripathi, Isha Pathak and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi,Modified dragonfly algorithm for optimal virtual machine placement in cloud computing Journal of Network and Systems Management / 2020
  3. Isha Pathak, Atul Tripathi and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi,A Model for Virtual Network Embedding using Artificial Bee Colony (International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley), (2018)
  4. Atul Tripathi, Isha Pathak and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi, Energy Efficient VM Placement for Effective Resource Utilization using Modified Binary PSO (The Computer Journal ), (2017)
  5. Isha Pathak and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi, Fault Tolerant Algorithms for Multiple Infrastructure Provider Cooperation in Network Virtualization Environment based on Auctioning (Wireless Personal Communications, Springer), (2017).
  6. Atul Tripathi, Isha Pathak and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi,Integration of Analytic Network Process with SMI Framework for Cloud Service Provider Selection (Concurrency and Computation, Wiley), (2017).
  7. Isha Pathak and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi, A Model for Virtual Network Embedding across Multiple Infrastructure Providers using Genetic Algorithm (Science China Information Sciences, Springer), (2017).
  8. Isha Pathak and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi, An Optimal Virtual Network Mapping Model Based on Dynamic Threshold. Wireless Personal Communications 83(3): 2381-2401 (2015)
  9. Isha Pathak and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi, A Graph Theoretic Algorithm for Virtual Network Embedding. IJBDCN 10(2): 1-14 (2014)
  10. Tripathi, I. P., Upadhyay, K., Chittoria, G., & Sambhav, K. (2024). An in-place ABN-based denoiser for medical images. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-12.
Book Chapters
  1. Isha Pathak,Atul Tripathi, Deo Prakash Vidyarthi, A Dynamic Resource Provisioning VNE Algorithm Based on Graph Theory,Advances in Data Communications and Networking for Digital Business Transformation,IGI Global,2018.
    1. Yogesh Kumar, Ashish Jangir, Bhavya Meena, Isha Pathak Tripathi, AUTOMATED TEXT SUMMARIZATION USING TRANSFORMERS SoCTA2022 / 2022 (Outside PhD Work)
    2. Nilesh Kumar, Atul Tripathi, Isha Pathak Tripathi, Detection of Covid-19 using Transfer Learning Technique International Conference on Computing, Communication and Intelligent Systems / 2022
    3. Priya Tomar, Isha Pathak Tripathi, Atul Tripathi, Big Data, Cloud and IoT: An Assimilation 2018 Second International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Communication Technology (IAC3T) / 2018
    4. Isha Pathak and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi, An Interactive Artificial Bee Colony based Virtual Network Embedding, UPCON’2015, IIIT Allahabad, (pp. 1-6). IEEE.